Hi! My first Blog...stepping out of my comfort zone.  Not thrilled to be in front of a camera, not the best writer...but who cares!?  My hope is that one person will benefit from the blogs. If you don't leap you'll never know what it's like to fly!  Not going to be afraid if a comma isn’t in the right spot and everyone already knows, and if you don’t you will soon, I am a horrible spiller (lol). So here goes.
Knots of Love was born from an idea and a passion. So what better place to start the first blog than from the beginning.
The passion came from picking up a crochet hook again after 40 years. At the time I was president of the Adoption Guild of Southern Orange County. (No, my 2 sons are not adopted). As the outgoing president and wanting to show my appreciation to the ladies in the Guild, I decided to crochet scarves for everyone. I placed them in brown bags and handed them out at our end of the year luncheon. What a joy to see the ladies open their bags they chose at random. Â Each were surprised to get a scarf that looked like it was made especially for them. Â No surprises here. Â I believe everything is meant to to happen for a reason. There are no accidents!
I asked myself what can I crochet next? My son Geoff asked me to make him a beanie. I laughed and said, "I only know how to make flat things." The idea of making something that had to fit someone was so intimidating. Â Not to mention I wanted it to be perfect. Â Does perfect ever get there?? Â It really doesn't. My first beanie was horrific. Â It could have fit a bowling ball. Â IÂ let go of it needing to be perfect. So I kept going. The next three got a little better and then I was off and running. Everyone I knew got a beanie. Now what do I do? Â I was hooked. Â A friend of mine told me she would have loved a beanie when she was undergoing chemo. (RIP Linda) Bingo! That was all I needed to hear. I started calling oncologist offices and everyone expressed a desire and great enthusiasm. Enlisting help from friends and word of mouth I was off and running at warp speed.
I’ll never forget packing the first bags of beanies with my oldest son Geoff.  I decided I wanted to place 25 beanies in every bag to be given to a facility.  Two oncologist offices were waiting for them with anticipation.  I had to fill them!!!  One bag filled - phew.  The second was short 5 beanies. We only had 20. What to do?? Geoff and I conversed. Should we take five from the bag we already filled?  No, that wasn’t a option because I am stubborn and I wanted 25 in every bag. At that moment the door bell rang. It was the UPS man. He handed me a box addressed to Knots of Love.  I opened the box and low and behold - you guessed it - there were five beanies inside. The perfect number to complete the second bag. There are no accidents! Everything happens just as it should!
Oh how awesome those first two deliveries were. Â Patients were elated to see and receive the beanies. Forlorn faces - now were smiling. From that moment on, I knew this was a charity that was meant to be!So much more to write. Like my youngest son, Ian, and I drilling holes in the hang tags with a drill press because having hang tags printed with holes was way too expensive. I guess I should save that story for another blog.
So..if you take away anything from this first blog…I would want it to be; If you have an idea, have faith, go for it. There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason. We might not understand the reason at the time…if you have faith, the reason will eventually be revealed. Love fully. Laugh daily. Be silly. Embrace your dreams! Feel gratitude for the simplest of pleasures.
Much love and many blessings,
Christine M. Fabiani, Knots of Love Founder