Wall of Love

Love Letters From Recipients of Our Beanies & Blankets

Again, my sincere thanks for all you do for me and for so many others.  
It brings tears to my eyes to think of the so many your love has touched.
AnnMarie (Cap recipient, April 6th, 2022)


My mom really loves her hats you so thoughtfully sent her. She wears them every day. Please let the volunteers know their kindness is much appreciated. Thank you all for you do. God bless you.
Robbin and Joseph


Dear Knots of Love,….I can’t believe that people that are well even think of us.
~ Ruth


“Thank you for all you do. What a great gift of love.”
~ Rose


Dear Knots of Love,
My 32 year old sister was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. Seeing the pretty colors of the caps & scarves you made brought light to her face.

Thank you,


Good Morning, On behalf of all our patients at the Orange Grove medical and radiation oncology clinics,
we want to thank you for the recent donation of beautiful, soft and colorful beanies.
We appreciate this wonderful act of love
Thank you to all the donors, knitters and others who make this possible.
~ Sincerely, Linda


A heartfelt thank YOU for the beautiful box of hats you sent for patients at Masonic Cancer Center. As always, the hats are lovely & the minute the box arrives, I had an appointment with someone that will be losing their hair. They always bring so much joy to the women I work with. It was fun to see the new styles with pompoms! I know it will be hard for you to imagine but there are snowbanks up to 5 - 6 feet throughout the cities so our cold weather persists, and the hats are warmly welcomed! Thank you for all you do, for bringing joy to people in difficult circumstances.

Warmest regards, Kathy


VA Mail Bag:

South Texas Veterans Health Care, Kerville, Texas:
“Thank you for your donation of knit hats. Your donation is very important in caring for patients at our facility. Please be assured our veteran patines find much satisfaction knowing that the community has not forgotten them.”

Fort Harrison, Montana
“On behalf of the Ft. Harrison Montana HCS patients and staff, we would like to extend our appreciation to you for your donation of 25 hats. Your thoughtfulness reflects the concern that you feel for our Veterans and for the service they provided to all of us while in service to our country. Without your support, we could not provide the smaller niceties that make hospitalization more bearable. Your thoughtfulness also reflects the concern and compassion that our community feels for our Veterans.”


“I want to go ahead and thank you so very much for the box of beanies, we received them today and they are going out to the patients like candy. They are in love with them.”
~ Vantage Oncology, Los Angeles


Just received a pretty green knitted hat @ chemo treatment from Knots of Love. Think I will be wearing on St. Patty’s Day. I am sure ladies will like that new design with the pearls. Great dress up cap!!!
Thank you and God Bless all of you and the many volunteers.
Karen, 15 year survivor…………4th time bald.


“Thank you so very much for the recent shipment of hats! They are beyond precious….is this something that we could request a shipment of monthly or quarterly? I don’t want to be greedy but we have a large client base of Cancer patients and physicians in our area. Thanks in advance and esp for what you have already sent. We lovedddd them!” ~ Paige, Alabaster, AL


“I wish to extend my personal thanks to you on behalf of the New Mexico VA Health Care System patients and staff for your August 8, 2014, donation of knitted hats for the Veterans. The commitment you have shown to our patients demonstrates your concern for American Heroes.” Sincerely yours, Sonja


Dear Knots of Love, “Thank you for all the knitted caps you donated to our patients. Our patients just love the different styles and colors you use! They are so appreciated by our patients and families. Again, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to make all of these caps that mean so much to our patients. We really appreciate your donation.” Sincerely, Brenda, Roger Maris Cancer Center, Stanford Health.


Dear Knots of Love,
Thank you so much for your beautiful donation of handcrafted items for our NICU babies. Your blankets are a warm symbol of your thoughtfulness to families who have a fragile infant. We, the staff, are honored to present your gifts to these anxious moms & dads.
Best to you all, Beth NICU Child Life Specialist


Dear Knots of Love,
Hi! I am a 16-year-old girl & I was diagnosed with type ALL leukemia a few weeks ago. I heard about how Knots of Love provides hats to chemo patients & I was very excited! I was wondering if this was something that I qualify for.
Thank you!


“I resent came familiar to your company. I just had a baby and she was admitted to UCI NICU and I remember I was having an awful day and came in to see that she received a blanket from your company. It made my day. I just wanted to thank you.” Thanks again “J”


Dear Knots of Love, “Caring people like your organization are helping insecure hairless women feel beautiful again!”
~ Angela


Dear friends, “I was recently diagnosed with cancer. My daughter and daughter-in-law gifted me with caps from your establishment. They are beautiful and make me feel good when I wear them. Thanks to the ladies who take their time to create them.” Love, Helen


Dear Knots of Love,
“I have enjoyed making caps (and now blankets) for your wonderful organization for a year now.  I started knitting caps while deployed in Afghanistan this time last year.  Even though it was a hardship for me being away from family, friends (and country) knitting caps brought me perspective.  There are many in need of comfort (and warmth) in much more trying times that I had endured and I knit with a glad heart knowing that I can add (even a small amount) a bit of coziness.  I purchased a knitting machine (I cheated) so I could make NICU blankets quickly.  I’ll still knit by hand the caps!  Take care and hope your holidays are joyful!”  Sincerely, Diane


“Thank you so much for thinking of our tiniest patients, the babies in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU). Your donation of the baby blankets are a true act of kindness. Our NICU babies are admitted most often under emergency situations and their parents are not usually prepared. It is nice for them to know that someone is thinking of them.” ~ Kimber


“On behalf of the many patients and their families who have enjoyed your knitted items of thoughtfulness over the years, I am honored to thank you. The high quality workmanship is obvious in every stitch.”
~ Beth

Dear Christine,
My name is Kerry.  I live in Madison, WI.  I am 39 and was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this summer (astrocytoma, grade IV).  I had surgery and just finished my first round of chemotherapy and radiation.  As a result, my head isn’t so pretty these days.  I have a large scar on the back of my head, and I lost hair in a “halo” pattern around my head (classic Tomotherapy hair loss, I’m told).  While I can honestly say that my appearance is low on my list of concerns now, it is nice to be able to have something attractive covering my head when I’m out and about (to avoid stares and questions from strangers).  My mother-in-law gave me a Knots of Love cap, and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your organization and all its efforts!   My mother-in-law lives in Fountain Valley and the cap is from Sammy Hirata.  It’s great to know that groups like the Girls Scouts are involved in sharing these gifts.My cap is really cute and very comfortable.  I’m not a fan of wearing scarves, so this cap is a really attractive alternative.  I love it!
Thanks again for all you do!   Sincerely,  Kerry, Madison, WI


“Our patients adore your hats, it definitely brightens their days and puts smiles on their faces when they get to go home with a new hat. Thanks for the wonderful work you all do.”
Susan Diaz RN, OCN
Clinical Supervisor


Dear Knots of Love,
Thank you so much for your generous donation of hats. Our cancer patients really appreciate the time and talent as well as the comfort and style that hand crafted items afford.
We are grateful that your professional donation arrives like clockwork just when we are about to run out of hats for the oncology patients.
Very truly yours, Linda, Cancer Patient Advocacy, Stony Brook Cancer Center, NY


I received my hats today and they are PERFECT! They feel good and they make me feel cute again! This is my happy day. Thank you, Grace (7/10/2013)


Dear Knots of Love,  ”Just wanted to say thank you for what you do.  As a recent cancer patient it was an uplifting surprise to find out about your organization while I was in the hospital.  I was allowed to choose from your lovely creations and have gotten compliments on them.”  Thank you, Caroline, Milwaukee, WI


Dear Christine, “Thank you for all that Knots of Love does for patients. When I arrived at UAB these caps began being part of what I did. It is such a joy to be able to provide something to keep a head warm and put a smile on the face of a patient.”
~ Callie


From Nancy in Santa Clarita, CA
Dear Knots of Love, “Thank you for caring so much for total strangers.”


Dear Christine,  I would like to personally thank you for the hats that you give to our patients. Here at our Cancer Center we have a large basket in the infusion area that patients get to choose a hat to take home and use during this difficult time in their lives. It’s a joy to watch them rummage through the basket and try on hats to find the “perfect” one. Thanks again for all that you do. You truly do make a difference in our patient’s lives!


You make such a beautiful difference. It was your soft, red cap that touched my heart during the darkest and scariest days of chemo- thank you!


Hello Christine,
My Christmas present last year was being told I had a rare form of breast cancer. I’ve always been a little runt, and my hair was the only thing that made me feel like a girl. I am having such a difficult time with his, I won’t even look into a mirror. A friend told me about your organization…she too had breast cancer, but she is okay now…a blessing. I feel so ugly right now, I don’t want anyone to see me. I’ve been wearing a big hoodie because it hides me. I viewed your site, and read all about you…you are doing a great job. Sounds like there are many females with similar feelings.


Dear Knots of Love,
Last week I was surprised to get 3 beautiful purple hats in the mail for my daughter Addison who is 3 fighting Wilm’s tumor right now. Purple is her favorite color so she was really excited, Your organzation is very touching to me and I thank it is wonderful what you do. You really do touch other people’s lives a hat at a time.. Being a mom to a beautiful girl losing her hair was heartbreaking for mommy and daddy. The hats makes Addison feel beautiful! Which now she is more beautiful to me then ever because when she smiles her whole face lights up. It’s the little things that helps get you through this nightmare.. I know my little girl will beat Cancer and this is just one step closer for her being Cancer free! I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts and truly God blesses you daily for working through him through your hats..
~ Wendy


Dear Christine, I was surprised by your hand written thank you card for the donation my mother and I made – you are too sweet.
I just want you to know that my dad wore your hats throughout his treatment and they were so comforting to him. The personal touch from these warming items meant alot to him.
Dad’s name was Roger. His 3 year fight against lung cancer ended in October. I thank you and your volunteers from the bottom of my heart for keeping him warm and comfy during his treatments. I have one of the hats with me and I put it on once in a while… just because.
Thank you for what you do for people. Comfort is so important for someone going through all that madness.
Big fat hug from,
Christine and Andrea (mom)


Dear Christine,
I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful hats that you knit for cancer patients.
I wanted to let you know that my mother, Mary had the privilege to proudly wear your beautiful hats.  My Mom just passed away on December 16 of ovarian cancer.
Please know how important your gift is too so many.  My Mom’s great granddaughter now wears them. I smile every time I see her great granddaughter with them on.
Thank you again, Paula


“I volunteer for the American Cancer Society.  I was thrilled – make that AM – with the quality and designs of your caps! Please keep them coming!  Thank you & your friends so much.  It is nice to put smiles on these patients’ faces.”
~ Barbara


Dear Christine,
Thank you! Thank you for the beautiful and soft caps. I love them! Talk about love! Your organization is wonderful. Every detail and the enclosed card made me feel loved.
With thankfulness and love,  Erin


I met a young girl today who told me; “My Mom wore your caps. They are in a drawer and are now memories.”
~ Christine, Founder

You are really something!!! I am so happy to have found your website. You have put a smile on a sad grandma’s face!! God bless you for the work you do and the joy you bring to others!!
Warm regards, Vicki


Upstate Golisano ‏@UpstateGolisano
We LOVE our @Knots_of_Love hat delivery every month! #Syracuse pic.twitter.com/JmBidodh


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t wait for Teri to try them on. I hope you understand how much this means to not only the cancer patients, but to their families as well. God bless you!
~ Gina


Dear Knitters of Love,
I would like to thank each and every one of you for the beautiful hats. My patients were so excited to receive these wraps of warm hugs for their beautiful heads. Honestly, it was so touching to see the happiness that was expressed on their faces when they were looking for “their perfect hat”. The girls (patients) were complimenting one another on their choice of hat(s). Some had hats with cats on them, others with flowers. It was like a party of gifts for everyone.Our practice would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation for all of the hard work and dedication that you so selflessly give to this program. Your hats are so beautiful and stylish. We are blessed to be the recipients of your love.
With gratitude,
Darlene Bowling, LPN
Unit Manager
Infusion Clinic
Mid Atlantic Pelvic Surgery Associates


A special note…. Your hats saw me through six weeks of chemo and several months of baldness last year. Thanks!
~Signed; A


Without your group I would not have known how to comfort and help a family member so thank you!Dianne, Minooka, Illinois


I love knowing (an seeing) what we are knitting and knotting for! Thanks for such a personal experience. I tell everyone I know that I have NEVER felt so appreciated by a charity group. The personal phone calls, the welcome info…it makes my heart so happy!! Thanks so much again!!  ~ Brandie 6/27/2012


Dear Ms. Fabiani and Members:
On behalf of the patients and staff of the Fayetteville VA Medical Center please accept our sincere appreciation for your donation of the hand-crafted knit caps for Veterans. They are truly appreciative of your efforts on their behalf. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Sincerely, Norma (Chief, Voluntary Service)


“I just want to thank Knots of Love…I am a chemo patient and had an opportunity to choose a hat out of a basket…I love it and am thankful! May God continue to bless your group!”
~ Connie


“Thank you all from Knots of Love for the beautiful hats. The love and time put into making these hats is evident. The patients appreciate them as do we at the Cancer Center. Your hats are soft as well as attractive. On behalf of our patients I would like to thank you.”


Dear Knots of Love,
Thank you for the 25 chemo caps you sent to our grateful patients. These caps make such a difference in their lives. As our patients are infused, often for long periods of time, their heads are not only warm, but the patient is wearing a beautifully crafted cap.More than anything, our patients know there are lovely kind people out there who care about them. It makes all the difference in the world.Thank you so very much for you touching gifts to our patients.
Samual Oschin Cacner Center


Good afternoon, I just have to thank you, I just received my chemo hats, two days early they came at just the right time, started the reconstruction surgery on monday so my head was very chilly! All of them fit perfect, THANK YOU so much, they are so very soft. I love them.


Thank you and your great organization! I just took my first bald walk around the chemo floor and spied your great hats. I just wanted to admire the knitting but the nurses encouraged me to go ahead and take one, I am so touched! Sometime it really is the small things that make your day. Thanks to all your volunteers: I’m am in Chicago – and I took a very fetching green, cable knit cap! – warmest regards: Mary


Dear Glen,
“Please pass along my deep appreciation to the woman who runs the Knots of Love program! I have been volunteering for the American Cancer Society quite a while now and this past month received some new hats to give away. It was my pleasure as the response was so great! The hats were cute, in various colors and appealed to young and old alike. My favorites were the very soft ones, I imagine they would feel so good on a bald head! Please express my thanks to the woman who started this, it was fun just watching the ladies finger through them, exclaiming “Oh look at this one!” , “How cute!” or “It’s my color!”. When I noticed the “Care Card” with washing instructions had a Newport Beach address, I had to smile. This was the woman in CA that started a ministry for cancer patients! Small world, and what joy she and the ladies who knitted these caps provided to the ladies in Fort Smith AR last week. And probably to hundreds of others across the US.”


“To each and everyone of you who knit and crochet hats for people with cancer. You are very special. It helps them feel better about themselves and makes them feel good to be able to go out in public. I would like to say a great big thank you because my sister Barbara has stage 4 cancer. Sure made her feel better about her appearance.” Love all of you, Glenda


“Dear Knots of Love, I would like to thank you for your wonderful charity of beanies. I am a breast cancer patient, who is also a paraplegic. It is so wonderful to know there are such caring and compassionate people out there, loving us, on beanie at a time.” With my love, Sandy


“Thanks for making the hats.” Unknown


“Thanks so much for my purple and white hat with a yellow flower on it. Your Knots of Love are (LOVE!).” Tanks again and God Bless all of you, Dorothy


“Thank you for your providing comfort to me & others during difficult treatments.”
Thank you, Susan


Just wanted to thank all you ladies who have donated my new cap. I am dealing with stomach cancer and was given one of your beautiful caps and I love it. It sure keeps my bald head warm. Thank you so much, Margie


Dear Knots of Love hat makers, I am writing on behalf of my Mom who was the recipient of your beautiful (and warm) hats at the infusion center at UCI Medical Center. She was thrilled at your incredible selection of hats at the nursing station when we arrived for her treatment this week.
Losing her hair was made so much easier by her ability to cover her head with something so lovely and I cannot thank you enough.
Many thanks to all of you for making my Mom’s life a little nicer during this challenging time! God bless you!
Sincerely, Gail


Dear friends,  I was recently diagnosed with cancer.  My daughter and daughter-in-law gifted me with caps from your establishment.  They are beautiful and make me feel good when I wear them.  Thanks to the ladies who take their time to create them.  Love, Helen


I wish to thank my “angels with magic fingers” for helping me with head coverings during the two times I’ve lost my hair!  I’m coming up on 3 1/2 years of cancer treatment for lung cancer and have depended on your donations along this journey.  Thanks, Gloria


Knots of Love,  You are an angel!  Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents to bless so many!  Warm regards, Kelly


Just a “Thank You” to you and the crafters who take time to make the beanies.  I am a cancer free patient at this time who was fortunate enough to be offered one of “Knots of Love beanies.  Thank you.


We commend you for including the VHSO patients in your distribution.  The commitment you have shown to our Veteran patients demonstrates your concern for America’s heroes.


From Cancer Care Associates in Redondo Beach:
We appreciate the Knots of Love hats so much.  Patients get so excited to see the caps.  It is fun to watch them say, “does this look good on me?”  Thank you so much Knots of Love.


We just can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to put our idle hands to work making such welcomed gifts of love for those in need. Your an angel Christine! Keep smiling and those around you too, for this is what you do for both Wayne and I!
Hazel & Wayne Buck


Hi Christine, I wanted to thank you for the caps you sent to my daughter. They were pretty, comfortable, warming and soft. She was so excited and immediately put one one. We are a small group of people going through chemo. Can you please send more caps? They feel lost, and alone..the love you’ve shown to others would really be appreciated if extended to them. …thanks so much..it’s greatly appreciated.


From a Knots of Love Volunteer,
Last week a woman asked me what I was making and when I told her she got all misty eyed and said, “Thank you! My only sister died from colon cancer last year. Thank you so much for what you do.” She then added that each time her sister got a new hat from her treatment center they would spend some time pondering who made that hat and how wonderful those hats and each person who makes them were. I never thought I would actually see someone who makes them, thank you again. I found myself not wanting to eat nearly as much as I wanted to crochet.


I work in an oncology office part-time giving chemotherapy. I have had the opportunity a few times in the last couple of weeks to offer a beautiful selection of hats made by your organization to some of my patients.
I wish you could have seen their faces and heard the oohs and aahs as they looked through the hats and chose the ones they liked.
A couple of really popular crocheted ones had a crocheted flower for decoration, and one even had a ladybug button on the flower—that one was a big hit.
Thank you so much for everything you do. You bring joy and comfort to wonderful brave people who are fighting for their lives.


I saw Cindy today who already received your lovely caps! She absolutely loves them. Thank you so much for sending them so quickly. She told me she was in tears when she received them last night. She loved your warm notes too. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Warm regards,


Thank you so much for knitting the red hat my husband is wearing to his CLL appointments. Most of his hair is gone and with so much wind in Corona/Riverside it does keep his head warm.
What a wonderful contribution you are making to help get us through this time with a smile seeing a 79 year old guy with a RED Head.


I am a newly diagnosed cancer patient (cancer in the right lung) it is “limited” meaning it has not spread. I am doing excellent in my treatments and all my tests. I WILL beat this thing. I am in my 3rd cycle of 4 chemo treatments and i am 1/2 way through my radiation treatments. I want to personally thank ALL of you t…hat contribute your time to help keeping my head and thousands of others warm. How thoughtful and what a beautiful thing to do. When i was at my last chemo treatment i noticed a wicker basket full of hats. Beautiful assorted colors. I read the little tag that was attached to the hat i chose. Just the title “Knots of Love” brought me to tears. As you all know, dealing with cancer is very overwhelming, especially when first diagnosed. It’s such a wondering feeling to know you are loved and that there are people out here that truly care. Thank ALL of you and God Bless You ALL!Linda2/1/2011


Excerpts from thank you notes received by cancer patients and cancer treatment centers:
•“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to make all these caps that that mean so much to our patients.”
•“Thank you so much for your generous gift of handmade hats you created and donated to our patients. The hats are a wonderful gift for many of our sick patients and proved them many hours of comfort. Kind gifts like yours help ease the burden for families enduring a stay in the hospital.”
•“Thank you for your beautiful caps. I can tell that a lot of love went into each one of the caps and will warm the patient’s head as well as heart. They arrived just prior to the holiday season as well. Thank you for this special gift for others less fortunate.”
•“I truly enjoy your gift of creating a joyful “Knot of Love.” I wear mine and feel the love you put into when you made it. God blessed your hands and special gifts are appreciated by the one’s who need them. Your selfless gift is a blessing to me.”


I want to thank you once again for the beautiful caps you sent my way today. You can’t imagine how much they are appreciated (well actually I am sure you can imagine!) and loved by the women in my community as well as a few men. You all are angels!
Your caps are not only lovely and but warm too! I have had many return patients that absolutely love their caps. Even in Las Vegas we have cold weather in the winter and in the summer everything is air conditioned and chilly for anyone going through chemo.
Many thanks to all of you!
You are so appreciated!


Hi Christine,
Thank you very much for sending the beautiful knit hats to our hospital, Golisano Children’s Hospital at University Hospital in Syracuse, NY. They are absolutely gorgeous!! My co-worker and I have gotten knit hats in the past from different organizations, but none as soft and well-made as these.
Thank you again for thinking of us. We were wondering if it is possible to receive these knit hats four times a year? We would very much enjoy receiving more.
Thank you again,
Child Life Specialist- Hem/Onc Outpatient Clinic


Thank you so much for your wonderful organization.  I had my second dose today @ Kaiser Irvine.  They let me pick what cozy cute hat would be best for me.  Thank you for all your volunteers and knitters.  Very kind and most needed and appreciated.  Love Carol


From: Kimberly
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 6:47 AM
To: Christine Shively
Subject: I am so happy!
Thank you so much for the hats you sent. I love them. Their so soft on my head. As soon as I can I would love to send a donation for these awesome hats. I’m going to tell the world. I will always remember your program and I very thankful for your kindness during this hard time in my life thank you so much. Please thank everyone who has helped to make these special hats.


Thank you Knots of Love, for making my months of chemo a little cozier  A big THANK YOU to all the wonderful volunteers and supporters. You have touched so many lives in such a warm and positive way.Karen5/10/2010


I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful caps. On behalf of all of us at the Barbara Greenspun Womens Care Center and all of the women who have received your lovely caps Thank You!!
You are all so generous with your time, your yarn, and your talents. We would like you to know how much we appreciate your kindnesses. You have touched many lives with your beautiful work. You have kept many heads warm with you “Knots of Love”.
Thank You,


This weekend I was thinking it was time to buy a hat as my hair is thinning. I went to chemo today and there were these beautiful hats!
I picked out a lovely purple with a teal stripe and a white button. This really made my day! Thank you,
Rosette at Willamette Valley Cancer Institute at Riverbed Hospital in Springfield, Oregon.


Thank You from Pacific Oncology, Vista, California


“I can tell you what a difference Knots of Love has made. Christine and her organization made me feel pretty for the first time since I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Could match my hats to my outfits, they looked good, wool was not to heavy and your head never got hot and I would walk around the house singing “I feel pretty oh so pretty”. That is the wonderful difference she makes in our lives.”


Christine, I wanted to tell you how wonderfully beautiful the caps are that I got today-they made me cry thinking of the joy they will bring to the ladies when I give them out! Thank you for including Dr Shalan and my patients, your Knots-of-Love TEAM is so awesome!!!


From: monica
To: Christine Shively
Sent: Fri Mar 12 09:02:29 2010
Subject: RE: HatsChristine,Thank you so much for the hats. I received them last night and the timing was perfect! My sister had called me earlier that day and was down in the dumps because so much of her hair has fallen out that she is no longer able to even “stlye” her hair. She was sad and I was feeling bummed for her. Around  7 PM UPS knocked on the door and it was the hats! I was so ecstatic. I opened the package and sat down and cried. I am so touched by the generosity of you and the foundation. I never thought my sister having cancer would bring so many wonderful people into our lives. I took the package immediately over to her and she beamed  when she opened it. She was so happy she was going to wear the pink one with her jeans today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done. We will be making a donation so that other families and patients will be able to smile on their down in the dumps days like my sister.God Bless you and all the volunteers.


From: Joy (Knots of Love Member)
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 5:57 PM
To: Christine ShivelyHi Christine,I have to share this with someone before I burst! I just had the most awesome experience, I have goosebumps just recalling it. While waiting in the radiology waiting room I began to do what I always do – - – crochet. After a few minutes a woman sitting across from me ask me if I were making a hat. I replied that I was. She asked me if I have heard of a group called Knots of Love. I said that I was making this hat for Knots of Love. She got up and came to me saying she needed to give me a hug. I stood, we hugged, she began sobbing and then I found tears strolling down my own face and I didn’t even know why yet. Her sister had cancer and passed away three months ago. For the past year no one ever saw her without a KOL cap on her head. She went on to say how it gave her sister the freedom to go out in public, to live her final year doing what ever she wanted to do without all the questions about her bald head. Then, still with glistening eyes, she asked me if it would be alright if her family kept those hats or if she should return them to KOL so someone else could use them. When I told her to keep them she fairly jumped for joy. Those hats remind she and her family of the fun times they had with their sister this past year. She went on to say that whenever they got together someone would pick up a hat and say, “remember, this is the hat she wore the time we went . . . . . She couldn’t wait to get home to share the news and the hats with the rest of her family. If I ever had a question as to why I make hats this experience would certainly answer that question. I have been touched deeply!


Virginia’s first infusion was today – and receiving a hat from your organization was such a wonderful treat on such a difficult day.  It touched our hearts.  You are all amazing!Clair 3/2010


Christine -
I just received a package filled with hats from your organization. My eyes are starting to tear up as I write this.  I never dreamed I would be going bald at the age of 28 (or any age, for that matter!), and even though I have a wig appointment later this week, I am already starting to lose my hair, and it’s been devastating.  I went shopping for hats earlier this week, but all of the ones that I could find were super-light, spring type hats – lots of holes that wouldn’t really cover a bald head.  I was so nervous that I would wake up, all my hair would be gone, and I’ve have nothing to cover my head with! Your gift
has been the bright spot of my day, and I am so excited to have something that I can still feel attractive in, even once the rest of my hair falls out.  Cancer is awful, but it’s been wonderful to be reminded that there are amazing people in the world, people who make a difference in the lives of hurting people like me.Thank you – truly, thank you.


Christine…. Love the hats! I’ve worn each one in comfort and style.
You and your other angels are such a strong source of inspiration!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ♥,


What a wonderful thing you are doing for people like my daughter, Kelli! She was diagnosed with breast cancer last month at only 27 years old and it has been a very painful and scary time for her and all of us. But people like you are one of the reasons she is able to make it through each day and know that everything will be okay (and still look cute at the same time!).Thank you so much,


Yesterday I took my 81-year-old mother to the Cancer Center for her infusion. She’s confused a lot these days but was utterly delighted by the gift of a beautiful blue cap to wear out in the unusually bitter Oklahoma weather. As for me, I was flooded with gratitude. There are people out there who know what mom is going through, who understand what her family is experiencing, who care enough to give of their time and talents to comfort others in difficult times. Thank you!Beverly Stewart


Thank You Knots of Love! :13


Dear Christine!Well, “what to my wondering eyes should appear,” three of the most beautiful crocheted caps in different colors and in different crochet patterns!! Now I can sleep more comfortably without scarves, baseball caps, even occasionally an old wig to keep my head warm both daily and nightly.Thank you and your organization for this truly amazing venture that keeps us all looking beautiful and feeling snuggly too!Sincerely,


Thank you Knots of Love for the hats for my beautiful Mama! She loves them! She is doing great and the hats really make her feel beautiful after losing her hair after radiation . . . thank you all who knit or crochet these sweet little caps! God bless you all . . .Cheryl May
Madison, MS


Two thank-you letters from VA medical centers in California and Vermont.


Christine,I am astonished at how you all at KOL have taught me over the past six months how much of an impact one individual alone can have on the world around them, let alone a team of dedicated souls. I thank God for all of you – from the Board of Directors even through the slow pokes like me who have every intention of starting that first cap (the yarn is all there ready to go!) — you have blessed some of the neediest people in the world at some of the darkest times in their lives. You spread sunshine and love wheverever you go.I cannot thank God enough for what you all do.Fi


Dear Christine,I was inspired to get involved with Knots of Love after watching the All Star Game in 2009 when President Obama spotlighted volunteerism. The KOL spotlight is what inspired me. I shared this idea with a friend at work who agreed that she also wanted to be involved. After shipping our caps, we were so very impressed with the feedback and praise that we received from your organization! We have been surprising each other with something new we have received from KOL via email, snail-mail and telephone! We really didn’t expect anything in return. Thank you for appreciating our gifts!! We look forward to knitting/crocheting more this year for KOL!Happy New Year!Most Sincerely,
Tawny Beckmann and Janice Soares
Rhode Island


Hi Christine!I got the caps today! They are beautiful! I gave them to Carla today and we held each other and cried. She was so happy to be able to give her sister a gift that is so beautiful. My best Christmas present was today!Thank you again!


Update from Robin: Jill has unfortunately been very, very sick, but one of the things that keeps her going strong is the love for her caps. She wears a different one each day and is so thankful for gifts you have shared with her.12/09


Your caps warmed my heart to the core.Sher


Christine,I just wanted to express my heart felt thanks to the Knots of Love organization for the chemo cap that I got at Cedars Sinai Outpatient Cancer Center!I am just beginning treatment for Multiple Myeloma, will be getting a stem cell transplant in a month and was asking my nurse where I could get a beanie for when I lost my hair and she brought me a great chemo cap from your organization.Thanks again, your efforts are appreciated.Mahalo and Aloha,


Seeing new caps in the basket is a little slice of heaven when the patients check in for their treatment. I’ve helped one of my favorite male patients pick out one that’s “the most masculine.” I’ve helped women find the perfect ones in their favorite colors.You are truly an angel. I thank you . . . on behalf of all of the patients I see who wear your darling caps. You have no idea how much of a difference you make in their lives. May God bless you in everything you do.Amy, RN


Here at CMCC, we see so many women with advanced cancers and they typically are enduring harsh chemotherapies throughout the remainder of their lives. These caps are a reminder that someone is thinking of them, and sending them the symbolic love and warmth that they represent.Linda


Thanks for allowing us to be a part of KOL and the opportunity to perhaps bring a smile to someone’s face who is going through the fight of their life. Thank you!Carol Knots-of-Love Member


Every week I peak at your wonderful precious very talented creative hats they make chemo and all it involves easier. Thank you. Thank you for sharing this with us during this time.Victoria


I clipped out the article and soon broke out my old crochet hooks . . . it’s been years since I’ve made anything. It’s taken a few caps to get the hang of things again (I’ve also made a few that would fit a bowling ball), and find I truly enjoy making these caps. A few years ago my sister-in-law passed away from lung cancer and I’m sure she would have been deeply touched by such a kind and warm gesture of a home-made chemo cap.Thank you for the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. Have a wonderful Easter! God bless you richly!Carol


Dear Fellow Knotters and Knitters,Soon, Christine will be sending caps to the Gabrail Cancer Center in Canton, Ohio where two of my nephews received treatment this past year or so. In speaking with my brother in Ohio today I asked for the name of the treatment center where his son Frank and son-in-law Ray received treatment for their cancers. I later told him caps would soon be sent to that center in memory of the two young men. My brother was overcome with emotion and asked why we would do that when we don’t know anyone receiving treatment there now. I simply said, “Because we care and because we can.” He is so appreciative and deeply touched by our actions. So, on behalf of my family I wish to thank each and everyone of you for your time, your talent, your yarn, and most importantly your caring and love that went into each cap. My nephews did not survive their cancers but there are so many more patients whose lives can be made a little more comfortable with our caps. Thank you, thank you, thank you.Joy Boda


I was writing to thank-you SO MUCH for the ADORABLE hats you sent us from your organization!!! I can’t tell you how many people have stopped and looked at them and made positive comments about them!!! We just LOVE them here!!! We just wanted you to know how much we appreciated your donation!!Thanks again!!!!
Meghan Chandler, RN
Chemo Infusion Suite
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics


I am so blessed to be able to witness the smiles when a patient receives one of your hats. So important to know just how well received your gift of kindness is to them.Teryl MacDougall
Glendale Adventisti Medical Center


Hi Christine,I am writing on behalf of my mother. My mom recently retired in 2007 where she was an operating room nurse for 42 years. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2008 when she went in for a mammogram. She had her mastecomy done in November, and started her chemo treatments at Nevada Cancer Center in Las Vegas. She has STAGE 2B, and just finished her second treatment. She has two more treatments!! When we went in today to get her shot, her chemo nurse said a box had arrived from Knots of Love with some hats. The pictures that are attached, shows the one she LOVED!! In Chinese having a lady bug means LUCK!! So she ended up taking that one, and LOVES IT!!I just wanted to thank you and your team who create these hats!! They are FABULOUS!! On behalf of my mom and I, please extend our thank you!Nicole


Dear Christine:Being diagnosed with ovarian cancer four months ago was one of the toughest things I have ever gone through. But when you get a bag of the cutest, warmest, made-with-love hats passed around the chemo room, what a joy. What touches me most is that people who will never even know me cared enough to take the time to make something that makes me feel better ’cause my head is warm and i look cute. I need to look cute right now; it’s good for my heart. What you do is even better for my heart. Thank you again from the top of my cute, warm head to the bottom of my heart. God’s blessings to you all.Debbi Bowes


Thank you for your continued support of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Our staff and patients are thrilled with every shipment of hats from Knots of Love!Mindy


Dear Knots of love,I am currently a patient at the Mayo clinic in Phoenix, AZ. I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma and I have been undergoing treatment for four months. I have been coming to the outpatient section for three months now and the room is always cold and the blankets here don’t seem to do the trick. There was no way to stay warm . . . well that was until today. A box of hats arrived at the Mayo OPIV and because of your kindness and caring I now have something to wear that will keep me from feeling cold for the several hours that I am getting treatment here. There is however, one benefit of it being so cold in here . . . when I leave treatment the 105 degree temperatures outside become a welcome. On behalf of myself and all the other patients as well as the Mayo Clinic OPIV ward I want to send a heartfelt thanks for your gift as well as your time. Thanks again!Nathan Day


You have no idea how useful I feel making these caps. A lot of love goes into each cap with well wishes for each wearer.M. Chase


Premiere Oncology and the Premiere Oncology Foundation are proud to have benefited again and again from the kindness and generosity of the Knots-of-Love team. It’s a true labor of love. As executive director of the Premiere Oncology Foundation, I am often asked “what can I do” to help cancer patients and my usual response is that there are endless opportunities to give back, including knitting much-needed caps for Knots-of-Love to donating dollars for Phase I research and psychosocial programs for cancer survivors. The hundreds and hundreds of caps we receive from Knots-of-Love are so greatly appreciated by cancer patients. Each time I have the honor and privilege of handing a patient a beautiful new, colorful cap, I can see a smile and I am always greeted with a warm embrace. A gift of kindness as simple as a handmade cap is a reminder to all cancer patients that there are countless volunteers who genuinely care. Christine is an angel who founded Knots-of-Love motivated to do her part for cancer patients. Each time my cap basket starts to run low, a quick e-mail to Christine is always responded to immediately with a “yes, they are on their way.” If you know of anyone who loves to knit, be sure to spread the word. We have many patients, caregivers, friends, family and healthcare professionals who are now knitting and donating yarn to this incredibly worthy cause.Robbie Gluckson


Dear Knitters and Knotters,On behalf of the patients we serve through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a million thanks for the incredible caps! We’ve distributed them through staff at a county hospital, through an infusion center at a major medical center and through a social work department in a community hospital in an outlying area of our chapter. And a special cap for a young gentleman with a “cold” head! Each cap is unique and amazing and thank you for sharing your time, effort, creativity and yarn with our blood cancer patients!With much appreciation,Gail Sperling, MPH


On behalf of the patients at Cedars Sinai Outpatient Cancer Center, I want to extend our sincere appreciation for your very thoughtful donations of hats. We gave them to our patients who were receiving chemotherapy, and they loved them! You can’t imagine the joy a gift like this brings to the patients.Today in the midst of our busy schedules, most of us fail to take the time to think how we can help others. Your simple act of kindness exemplifies how one company — or even one person — can make such a difference to so many. Very truly yours,Diane Gabay, RN, MN


I love the hat I got to choose while at chemo at Dr. Nanci’s office. And I also love the concept of your organization. Wish I knew how to knit.Heart felt thanks,


What a nice surprise to receive one of your “Knots of Love” caps at my recent chemo treatment. I am starting to lose my hair for the fourth time! I am grateful to be a 5-year survivor of ovarian cancer, still in treatment. Attitude, faith and family and a remarkable doctor at GOA makes it all possible.With many thanks,


You made so many people smile with your knots-of-love hats. The patients were so grateful and had big smiles. I saw this lady with a yucky hat coming into the hospital, I offered her a few hats. She said she had cancer and has no hair and needed them for warmth. So many great stories and heart felt gratitude by many.Love and God Bless,


Thank you for all you do. What a great gift of love.Rose


Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts to our cancer patients. They truly appreciate them.B Kane, MD


Just a quick note to let you now that the caps you sent are beautiful! They are a big hit in the UC Irvine Medical Center Infusion center. Thank you so much for thinking of us!Mindy Iselberg


Your gifts are so comforting to our patients. Your efforts are precious gifts that will bring warmth to all who wear them.Thank you,
Jim Honey


Some people have a special gift for making sure that everyone is taken care of. They always remember the little things that make others feel loved. What a wonderful organization you have put together. It is quite uncomfortable to be bald -– you are either too hot or too cold. Having to deal with wigs, scarves and hats is an undertaking all on its own. Much love to you.2/08


Thank you and may God bless your hard work.1/08


From all of us at the Cancer Resource Center, our sincere thanks to you and everyone else at Knots of Love. The hats have been a wonderful treat for our patients and are just beautiful. Thank you for your support and generosity.Warm regards,


Just a note to say thank you and how much I appreciate the lovely knitted cap I found rummaging through the bag in the chemo room #509. What a treat. It made my day!!12/07


I appreciate your effort to bring pleasure into the lives of our patients at the Hoag Day Center.Geit Ballard
Dear Knots of Love, A heartfelt thank YOU for the beautiful box of hats you sent for patients at Masonic Cancer Center. As always, the hats are lovely & the minute the box arrives, I had an appointment with someone that will be losing their hair. They always bring so much joy to the women I work with. It was fun to see the new styles with pompoms! I know it will be hard for you to imagine but there are snowbanks up to 5 - 6 feet throughout the cities so our cold weather persists, and the hats are warmly welcomed! Thank you for all you do, for bringing joy to people in difficult circumstances. Warmest regards, Kathy

VA Mail Bag:

South Texas Veterans Health Care, Kerville, Texas:
“Thank you for your donation of knit hats. Your donation is very important in caring for patients at our facility. Please be assured our veteran patines find much satisfaction knowing that the community has not forgotten them.”

Fort Harrison, Montana
“On behalf of the Ft. Harrison Montana HCS patients and staff, we would like to extend our appreciation to you for your donation of 25 hats. Your thoughtfulness reflects the concern that you feel for our Veterans and for the service they provided to all of us while in service to our country. Without your support, we could not provide the smaller niceties that make hospitalization more bearable. Your thoughtfulness also reflects the concern and compassion that our community feels for our Veterans.”


“I want to go ahead and thank you so very much for the box of beanies, we received them today and they are going out to the patients like candy. They are in love with them.”
~ Vantage Oncology, Los Angeles


Just received a pretty green knitted hat @ chemo treatment from Knots of Love. Think I will be wearing on St. Patty’s Day. I am sure ladies will like that new design with the pearls. Great dress up cap!!!
Thank you and God Bless all of you and the many volunteers.
Karen, 15 year survivor…………4th time bald.


“Thank you for all you do. What a great gift of love.”
~ Rose


“Thank you so very much for the recent shipment of hats! They are beyond precious….is this something that we could request a shipment of monthly or quarterly? I don’t want to be greedy but we have a large client base of Cancer patients and physicians in our area. Thanks in advance and esp for what you have already sent. We lovedddd them!” ~ Paige, Alabaster, AL


“I wish to extend my personal thanks to you on behalf of the New Mexico VA Health Care System patients and staff for your August 8, 2014, donation of knitted hats for the Veterans. The commitment you have shown to our patients demonstrates your concern for American Heroes.” Sincerely yours, Sonja 8/20/2014


Dear Knots of Love, “Thank you for all the knitted caps you donated to our patients. Our patients just love the different styles and colors you use! They are so appreciated by our patients and families. Again, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to make all of these caps that mean so much to our patients. We really appreciate your donation.” Sincerely, Brenda, Roger Maris Cancer Center, Stanford Health. 8/18/2014


Dear Knots of Love,
My 32 year old sister was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. Seeing the pretty colors of the caps & scarves you made brought light to her face.
Thank you, Lisa


Dear Knots of Love,
Thank you so much for your beautiful donation of handcrafted items for our NICU babies. Your blankets are a warm symbol of your thoughtfulness to families who have a fragile infant. We, the staff, are honored to present your gifts to these anxious moms & dads.
Best to you all, Beth NICU Child Life Specialist


Dear Knots of Love,
Hi! I am a 16-year-old girl & I was diagnosed with type ALL leukemia a few weeks ago. I heard about how Knots of Love provides hats to chemo patients & I was very excited! I was wondering if this was something that I qualify for.
Thank you!


“I resent came familiar to your company. I just had a baby and she was admitted to UCI NICU and I remember I was having an awful day and came in to see that she received a blanket from your company. It made my day. I just wanted to thank you.” Thanks again “J”


Dear Knots of Love, “Caring people like your organization are helping insecure hairless women feel beautiful again!”
~ Angela


Dear friends, “I was recently diagnosed with cancer. My daughter and daughter-in-law gifted me with caps from your establishment. They are beautiful and make me feel good when I wear them. Thanks to the ladies who take their time to create them.” Love, Helen


Dear Knots of Love,
“I have enjoyed making caps (and now blankets) for your wonderful organization for a year now.  I started knitting caps while deployed in Afghanistan this time last year.  Even though it was a hardship for me being away from family, friends (and country) knitting caps brought me perspective.  There are many in need of comfort (and warmth) in much more trying times that I had endured and I knit with a glad heart knowing that I can add (even a small amount) a bit of coziness.  I purchased a knitting machine (I cheated) so I could make NICU blankets quickly.  I’ll still knit by hand the caps!  Take care and hope your holidays are joyful!”  Sincerely, Diane


“Thank you so much for thinking of our tiniest patients, the babies in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU). Your donation of the baby blankets are a true act of kindness. Our NICU babies are admitted most often under emergency situations and their parents are not usually prepared. It is nice for them to know that someone is thinking of them.” ~ Kimber 12/20/2013


“On behalf of the many patients and their families who have enjoyed your knitted items of thoughtfulness over the years, I am honored to thank you. The high quality workmanship is obvious in every stitch.”
~ Beth

Dear Christine,
My name is Kerry.  I live in Madison, WI.  I am 39 and was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this summer (astrocytoma, grade IV).  I had surgery and just finished my first round of chemotherapy and radiation.  As a result, my head isn’t so pretty these days.  I have a large scar on the back of my head, and I lost hair in a “halo” pattern around my head (classic Tomotherapy hair loss, I’m told).  While I can honestly say that my appearance is low on my list of concerns now, it is nice to be able to have something attractive covering my head when I’m out and about (to avoid stares and questions from strangers).  My mother-in-law gave me a Knots of Love cap, and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your organization and all its efforts!   My mother-in-law lives in Fountain Valley and the cap is from Sammy Hirata.  It’s great to know that groups like the Girls Scouts are involved in sharing these gifts.My cap is really cute and very comfortable.  I’m not a fan of wearing scarves, so this cap is a really attractive alternative.  I love it!
Thanks again for all you do!   Sincerely,  Kerry, Madison, WI


“Our patients adore your hats, it definitely brightens their days and puts smiles on their faces when they get to go home with a new hat. Thanks for the wonderful work you all do.”
Susan Diaz RN, OCN
Clinical Supervisor


Dear Knots of Love, Thank you so much for your generous donation of hats. Our cancer patients really appreciate the time and talent as well as the comfort and style that hand crafted items afford.
We are grateful that your professional donation arrives like clockwork just when we are about to run out of hats for the oncology patients.
Very truly yours, Linda, Cancer Patient Advocacy, Stony Brook Cancer Center, NY


I received my hats today and they are PERFECT! They feel good and they make me feel cute again! This is my happy day. Thank you, Grace (7/10/2013)


Dear Knots of Love,  ”Just wanted to say thank you for what you do.  As a recent cancer patient it was an uplifting surprise to find out about your organization while I was in the hospital.  I was allowed to choose from your lovely creations and have gotten compliments on them.”  Thank you, Caroline, Milwaukee, WI 6-9-2013


Dear Christine, “Thank you for all that Knots of Love does for patients. When I arrived at UAB these caps began being part of what I did. It is such a joy to be able to provide something to keep a head warm and put a smile on the face of a patient.”
~ Callie


From Nancy in Santa Clarita, CA
Dear Knots of Love, “Thank you for caring so much for total strangers.”


Dear Christine,  I would like to personally thank you for the hats that you give to our patients. Here at our Cancer Center we have a large basket in the infusion area that patients get to choose a hat to take home and use during this difficult time in their lives. It’s a joy to watch them rummage through the basket and try on hats to find the “perfect” one. Thanks again for all that you do. You truly do make a difference in our patient’s lives!


You make such a beautiful difference. It was your soft, red cap that touched my heart during the darkest and scariest days of chemo- thank you!


Hello Christine,
My Christmas present last year was being told I had a rare form of breast cancer. I’ve always been a little runt, and my hair was the only thing that made me feel like a girl. I am having such a difficult time with his, I won’t even look into a mirror. A friend told me about your organization…she too had breast cancer, but she is okay now…a blessing. I feel so ugly right now, I don’t want anyone to see me. I’ve been wearing a big hoodie because it hides me. I viewed your site, and read all about you…you are doing a great job. Sounds like there are many females with similar feelings.


Dear Knots of Love,
Last week I was surprised to get 3 beautiful purple hats in the mail for my daughter Addison who is 3 fighting Wilm’s tumor right now. Purple is her favorite color so she was really excited, Your organzation is very touching to me and I thank it is wonderful what you do. You really do touch other people’s lives a hat at a time.. Being a mom to a beautiful girl losing her hair was heartbreaking for mommy and daddy. The hats makes Addison feel beautiful! Which now she is more beautiful to me then ever because when she smiles her whole face lights up. It’s the little things that helps get you through this nightmare.. I know my little girl will beat Cancer and this is just one step closer for her being Cancer free! I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts and truly God blesses you daily for working through him through your hats..
~ Wendy


Dear Christine, I was surprised by your hand written thank you card for the donation my mother and I made – you are too sweet.
I just want you to know that my dad wore your hats throughout his treatment and they were so comforting to him. The personal touch from these warming items meant alot to him.
Dad’s name was Roger. His 3 year fight against lung cancer ended in October. I thank you and your volunteers from the bottom of my heart for keeping him warm and comfy during his treatments. I have one of the hats with me and I put it on once in a while… just because.
Thank you for what you do for people. Comfort is so important for someone going through all that madness.
Big fat hug from,
Christine and Andrea (mom)


Dear Christine,
I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful hats that you knit for cancer patients.
I wanted to let you know that my mother, Mary had the privilege to proudly wear your beautiful hats.  My Mom just passed away on December 16 of ovarian cancer.
Please know how important your gift is too so many.  My Mom’s great granddaughter now wears them. I smile every time I see her great granddaughter with them on.
Thank you again, Paula


“I volunteer for the American Cancer Society.  I was thrilled – make that AM – with the quality and designs of your caps! Please keep them coming!  Thank you & your friends so much.  It is nice to put smiles on these patients’ faces.”
~ Barbara


Dear Christine,
Thank you! Thank you for the beautiful and soft caps. I love them! Talk about love! Your organization is wonderful. Every detail and the enclosed card made me feel loved.
With thankfulness and love,  Erin


I met a young girl today who told me; “My Mom wore your caps. They are in a drawer and are now memories.”
~ Christine, Founder


Dear Knots of Love,….”I can’t believe that people that are well even think of us.”
~ Ruth


You are really something!!! I am so happy to have found your website. You have put a smile on a sad grandma’s face!! God bless you for the work you do and the joy you bring to others!!
Warm regards, Vicki


Upstate Golisano ‏@UpstateGolisano
We LOVE our @Knots_of_Love hat delivery every month! #Syracuse pic.twitter.com/JmBidodh


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t wait for Teri to try them on. I hope you understand how much this means to not only the cancer patients, but to their families as well. God bless you!
~ Gina


Dear Knitters of Love,
I would like to thank each and every one of you for the beautiful hats. My patients were so excited to receive these wraps of warm hugs for their beautiful heads. Honestly, it was so touching to see the happiness that was expressed on their faces when they were looking for “their perfect hat”. The girls (patients) were complimenting one another on their choice of hat(s). Some had hats with cats on them, others with flowers. It was like a party of gifts for everyone.Our practice would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation for all of the hard work and dedication that you so selflessly give to this program. Your hats are so beautiful and stylish. We are blessed to be the recipients of your love.
With gratitude,
Darlene Bowling, LPN
Unit Manager
Infusion Clinic
Mid Atlantic Pelvic Surgery Associates


A special note…. Your hats saw me through six weeks of chemo and several months of baldness last year. Thanks!
~Signed; A


Without your group I would not have known how to comfort and help a family member so thank you!Dianne, Minooka, Illinois


I love knowing (an seeing) what we are knitting and knotting for! Thanks for such a personal experience. I tell everyone I know that I have NEVER felt so appreciated by a charity group. The personal phone calls, the welcome info…it makes my heart so happy!! Thanks so much again!!  ~ Brandie 6/27/2012


Dear Ms. Fabiani and Members:
On behalf of the patients and staff of the Fayetteville VA Medical Center please accept our sincere appreciation for your donation of the hand-crafted knit caps for Veterans. They are truly appreciative of your efforts on their behalf. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Sincerely, Norma (Chief, Voluntary Service)


“I just want to thank Knots of Love…I am a chemo patient and had an opportunity to choose a hat out of a basket…I love it and am thankful! May God continue to bless your group!”
~ Connie


“Thank you all from Knots of Love for the beautiful hats. The love and time put into making these hats is evident. The patients appreciate them as do we at the Cancer Center. Your hats are soft as well as attractive. On behalf of our patients I would like to thank you.”


Dear Knots of Love,
Thank you for the 25 chemo caps you sent to our grateful patients. These caps make such a difference in their lives. As our patients are infused, often for long periods of time, their heads are not only warm, but the patient is wearing a beautifully crafted cap.More than anything, our patients know there are lovely kind people out there who care about them. It makes all the difference in the world.Thank you so very much for you touching gifts to our patients.
Samual Oschin Cacner Center


Good afternoon, I just have to thank you, I just received my chemo hats, two days early they came at just the right time, started the reconstruction surgery on monday so my head was very chilly! All of them fit perfect, THANK YOU so much, they are so very soft. I love them.


Thank you and your great organization! I just took my first bald walk around the chemo floor and spied your great hats. I just wanted to admire the knitting but the nurses encouraged me to go ahead and take one, I am so touched! Sometime it really is the small things that make your day. Thanks to all your volunteers: I’m am in Chicago – and I took a very fetching green, cable knit cap! – warmest regards: Mary


Dear Glen,
“Please pass along my deep appreciation to the woman who runs the Knots of Love program! I have been volunteering for the American Cancer Society quite a while now and this past month received some new hats to give away. It was my pleasure as the response was so great! The hats were cute, in various colors and appealed to young and old alike. My favorites were the very soft ones, I imagine they would feel so good on a bald head! Please express my thanks to the woman who started this, it was fun just watching the ladies finger through them, exclaiming “Oh look at this one!” , “How cute!” or “It’s my color!”. When I noticed the “Care Card” with washing instructions had a Newport Beach address, I had to smile. This was the woman in CA that started a ministry for cancer patients! Small world, and what joy she and the ladies who knitted these caps provided to the ladies in Fort Smith AR last week. And probably to hundreds of others across the US.”


“To each and everyone of you who knit and crochet hats for people with cancer. You are very special. It helps them feel better about themselves and makes them feel good to be able to go out in public. I would like to say a great big thank you because my sister Barbara has stage 4 cancer. Sure made her feel better about her appearance.” Love all of you, Glenda


“Dear Knots of Love, I would like to thank you for your wonderful charity of beanies. I am a breast cancer patient, who is also a paraplegic. It is so wonderful to know there are such caring and compassionate people out there, loving us, on beanie at a time.” With my love, Sandy


“Thanks for making the hats.” Unknown


“Thanks so much for my purple and white hat with a yellow flower on it. Your Knots of Love are (LOVE!).” Tanks again and God Bless all of you, Dorothy


“Thank you for your providing comfort to me & others during difficult treatments.”
Thank you, Susan


Just wanted to thank all you ladies who have donated my new cap. I am dealing with stomach cancer and was given one of your beautiful caps and I love it. It sure keeps my bald head warm. Thank you so much, Margie


Dear Knots of Love hat makers, I am writing on behalf of my Mom who was the recipient of your beautiful (and warm) hats at the infusion center at UCI Medical Center. She was thrilled at your incredible selection of hats at the nursing station when we arrived for her treatment this week.
Losing her hair was made so much easier by her ability to cover her head with something so lovely and I cannot thank you enough.
Many thanks to all of you for making my Mom’s life a little nicer during this challenging time! God bless you!
Sincerely, Gail


Dear friends,  I was recently diagnosed with cancer.  My daughter and daughter-in-law gifted me with caps from your establishment.  They are beautiful and make me feel good when I wear them.  Thanks to the ladies who take their time to create them.  Love, Helen


I wish to thank my “angels with magic fingers” for helping me with head coverings during the two times I’ve lost my hair!  I’m coming up on 3 1/2 years of cancer treatment for lung cancer and have depended on your donations along this journey.  Thanks, Gloria


Knots of Love,  You are an angel!  Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents to bless so many!  Warm regards, Kelly


Just a “Thank You” to you and the crafters who take time to make the beanies.  I am a cancer free patient at this time who was fortunate enough to be offered one of “Knots of Love beanies.  Thank you.


We commend you for including the VHSO patients in your distribution.  The commitment you have shown to our Veteran patients demonstrates your concern for America’s heroes.


From Cancer Care Associates in Redondo Beach:
We appreciate the Knots of Love hats so much.  Patients get so excited to see the caps.  It is fun to watch them say, “does this look good on me?”  Thank you so much Knots of Love.


We just can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to put our idle hands to work making such welcomed gifts of love for those in need. Your an angel Christine! Keep smiling and those around you too, for this is what you do for both Wayne and I!
Hazel & Wayne Buck


Hi Christine, I wanted to thank you for the caps you sent to my daughter. They were pretty, comfortable, warming and soft. She was so excited and immediately put one one. We are a small group of people going through chemo. Can you please send more caps? They feel lost, and alone..the love you’ve shown to others would really be appreciated if extended to them. …thanks so much..it’s greatly appreciated.


From a Knots of Love Volunteer,
Last week a woman asked me what I was making and when I told her she got all misty eyed and said, “Thank you! My only sister died from colon cancer last year. Thank you so much for what you do.” She then added that each time her sister got a new hat from her treatment center they would spend some time pondering who made that hat and how wonderful those hats and each person who makes them were. I never thought I would actually see someone who makes them, thank you again. I found myself not wanting to eat nearly as much as I wanted to crochet.


I work in an oncology office part-time giving chemotherapy. I have had the opportunity a few times in the last couple of weeks to offer a beautiful selection of hats made by your organization to some of my patients.
I wish you could have seen their faces and heard the oohs and aahs as they looked through the hats and chose the ones they liked.
A couple of really popular crocheted ones had a crocheted flower for decoration, and one even had a ladybug button on the flower—that one was a big hit.
Thank you so much for everything you do. You bring joy and comfort to wonderful brave people who are fighting for their lives.


I saw Cindy today who already received your lovely caps! She absolutely loves them. Thank you so much for sending them so quickly. She told me she was in tears when she received them last night. She loved your warm notes too. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Warm regards,


Thank you so much for knitting the red hat my husband is wearing to his CLL appointments. Most of his hair is gone and with so much wind in Corona/Riverside it does keep his head warm.
What a wonderful contribution you are making to help get us through this time with a smile seeing a 79 year old guy with a RED Head.


I am a newly diagnosed cancer patient (cancer in the right lung) it is “limited” meaning it has not spread. I am doing excellent in my treatments and all my tests. I WILL beat this thing. I am in my 3rd cycle of 4 chemo treatments and i am 1/2 way through my radiation treatments. I want to personally thank ALL of you t…hat contribute your time to help keeping my head and thousands of others warm. How thoughtful and what a beautiful thing to do. When i was at my last chemo treatment i noticed a wicker basket full of hats. Beautiful assorted colors. I read the little tag that was attached to the hat i chose. Just the title “Knots of Love” brought me to tears. As you all know, dealing with cancer is very overwhelming, especially when first diagnosed. It’s such a wondering feeling to know you are loved and that there are people out here that truly care. Thank ALL of you and God Bless You ALL!Linda2/1/2011


Excerpts from thank you notes received by cancer patients and cancer treatment centers:
•“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to make all these caps that that mean so much to our patients.”
•“Thank you so much for your generous gift of handmade hats you created and donated to our patients. The hats are a wonderful gift for many of our sick patients and proved them many hours of comfort. Kind gifts like yours help ease the burden for families enduring a stay in the hospital.”
•“Thank you for your beautiful caps. I can tell that a lot of love went into each one of the caps and will warm the patient’s head as well as heart. They arrived just prior to the holiday season as well. Thank you for this special gift for others less fortunate.”
•“I truly enjoy your gift of creating a joyful “Knot of Love.” I wear mine and feel the love you put into when you made it. God blessed your hands and special gifts are appreciated by the one’s who need them. Your selfless gift is a blessing to me.”


I want to thank you once again for the beautiful caps you sent my way today. You can’t imagine how much they are appreciated (well actually I am sure you can imagine!) and loved by the women in my community as well as a few men. You all are angels!
Your caps are not only lovely and but warm too! I have had many return patients that absolutely love their caps. Even in Las Vegas we have cold weather in the winter and in the summer everything is air conditioned and chilly for anyone going through chemo.
Many thanks to all of you!
You are so appreciated!


Hi Christine,
Thank you very much for sending the beautiful knit hats to our hospital, Golisano Children’s Hospital at University Hospital in Syracuse, NY. They are absolutely gorgeous!! My co-worker and I have gotten knit hats in the past from different organizations, but none as soft and well-made as these.
Thank you again for thinking of us. We were wondering if it is possible to receive these knit hats four times a year? We would very much enjoy receiving more.
Thank you again,
Child Life Specialist- Hem/Onc Outpatient Clinic


Thank you so much for your wonderful organization.  I had my second dose today @ Kaiser Irvine.  They let me pick what cozy cute hat would be best for me.  Thank you for all your volunteers and knitters.  Very kind and most needed and appreciated.  Love Carol


From: Kimberly
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 6:47 AM
To: Christine Shively
Subject: I am so happy!
Thank you so much for the hats you sent. I love them. Their so soft on my head. As soon as I can I would love to send a donation for these awesome hats. I’m going to tell the world. I will always remember your program and I very thankful for your kindness during this hard time in my life thank you so much. Please thank everyone who has helped to make these special hats.


Thank you Knots of Love, for making my months of chemo a little cozier  A big THANK YOU to all the wonderful volunteers and supporters. You have touched so many lives in such a warm and positive way.Karen5/10/2010


I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful caps. On behalf of all of us at the Barbara Greenspun Womens Care Center and all of the women who have received your lovely caps Thank You!!
You are all so generous with your time, your yarn, and your talents. We would like you to know how much we appreciate your kindnesses. You have touched many lives with your beautiful work. You have kept many heads warm with you “Knots of Love”.
Thank You,


This weekend I was thinking it was time to buy a hat as my hair is thinning. I went to chemo today and there were these beautiful hats!
I picked out a lovely purple with a teal stripe and a white button. This really made my day! Thank you,
Rosette at Willamette Valley Cancer Institute at Riverbed Hospital in Springfield, Oregon.


Thank You from Pacific Oncology, Vista, California


“I can tell you what a difference Knots of Love has made. Christine and her organization made me feel pretty for the first time since I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Could match my hats to my outfits, they looked good, wool was not to heavy and your head never got hot and I would walk around the house singing “I feel pretty oh so pretty”. That is the wonderful difference she makes in our lives.”


Christine, I wanted to tell you how wonderfully beautiful the caps are that I got today-they made me cry thinking of the joy they will bring to the ladies when I give them out! Thank you for including Dr Shalan and my patients, your Knots-of-Love TEAM is so awesome!!!


From: monica
To: Christine Shively
Sent: Fri Mar 12 09:02:29 2010
Subject: RE: HatsChristine,Thank you so much for the hats. I received them last night and the timing was perfect! My sister had called me earlier that day and was down in the dumps because so much of her hair has fallen out that she is no longer able to even “stlye” her hair. She was sad and I was feeling bummed for her. Around  7 PM UPS knocked on the door and it was the hats! I was so ecstatic. I opened the package and sat down and cried. I am so touched by the generosity of you and the foundation. I never thought my sister having cancer would bring so many wonderful people into our lives. I took the package immediately over to her and she beamed  when she opened it. She was so happy she was going to wear the pink one with her jeans today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done. We will be making a donation so that other families and patients will be able to smile on their down in the dumps days like my sister.God Bless you and all the volunteers.


From: Joy (Knots of Love Member)
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 5:57 PM
To: Christine ShivelyHi Christine,I have to share this with someone before I burst! I just had the most awesome experience, I have goosebumps just recalling it. While waiting in the radiology waiting room I began to do what I always do – - – crochet. After a few minutes a woman sitting across from me ask me if I were making a hat. I replied that I was. She asked me if I have heard of a group called Knots of Love. I said that I was making this hat for Knots of Love. She got up and came to me saying she needed to give me a hug. I stood, we hugged, she began sobbing and then I found tears strolling down my own face and I didn’t even know why yet. Her sister had cancer and passed away three months ago. For the past year no one ever saw her without a KOL cap on her head. She went on to say how it gave her sister the freedom to go out in public, to live her final year doing what ever she wanted to do without all the questions about her bald head. Then, still with glistening eyes, she asked me if it would be alright if her family kept those hats or if she should return them to KOL so someone else could use them. When I told her to keep them she fairly jumped for joy. Those hats remind she and her family of the fun times they had with their sister this past year. She went on to say that whenever they got together someone would pick up a hat and say, “remember, this is the hat she wore the time we went . . . . . She couldn’t wait to get home to share the news and the hats with the rest of her family. If I ever had a question as to why I make hats this experience would certainly answer that question. I have been touched deeply!


Virginia’s first infusion was today – and receiving a hat from your organization was such a wonderful treat on such a difficult day.  It touched our hearts.  You are all amazing!Clair 3/2010


Christine -
I just received a package filled with hats from your organization. My eyes are starting to tear up as I write this.  I never dreamed I would be going bald at the age of 28 (or any age, for that matter!), and even though I have a wig appointment later this week, I am already starting to lose my hair, and it’s been devastating.  I went shopping for hats earlier this week, but all of the ones that I could find were super-light, spring type hats – lots of holes that wouldn’t really cover a bald head.  I was so nervous that I would wake up, all my hair would be gone, and I’ve have nothing to cover my head with! Your gift
has been the bright spot of my day, and I am so excited to have something that I can still feel attractive in, even once the rest of my hair falls out.  Cancer is awful, but it’s been wonderful to be reminded that there are amazing people in the world, people who make a difference in the lives of hurting people like me.Thank you – truly, thank you.


Christine…. Love the hats! I’ve worn each one in comfort and style.
You and your other angels are such a strong source of inspiration!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ♥,


What a wonderful thing you are doing for people like my daughter, Kelli! She was diagnosed with breast cancer last month at only 27 years old and it has been a very painful and scary time for her and all of us. But people like you are one of the reasons she is able to make it through each day and know that everything will be okay (and still look cute at the same time!).Thank you so much,


Yesterday I took my 81-year-old mother to the Cancer Center for her infusion. She’s confused a lot these days but was utterly delighted by the gift of a beautiful blue cap to wear out in the unusually bitter Oklahoma weather. As for me, I was flooded with gratitude. There are people out there who know what mom is going through, who understand what her family is experiencing, who care enough to give of their time and talents to comfort others in difficult times. Thank you!Beverly Stewart


Thank You Knots of Love! :13


Dear Christine!Well, “what to my wondering eyes should appear,” three of the most beautiful crocheted caps in different colors and in different crochet patterns!! Now I can sleep more comfortably without scarves, baseball caps, even occasionally an old wig to keep my head warm both daily and nightly.Thank you and your organization for this truly amazing venture that keeps us all looking beautiful and feeling snuggly too!Sincerely,


Thank you Knots of Love for the hats for my beautiful Mama! She loves them! She is doing great and the hats really make her feel beautiful after losing her hair after radiation . . . thank you all who knit or crochet these sweet little caps! God bless you all . . .Cheryl May
Madison, MS


Two thank-you letters from VA medical centers in California and Vermont.


Christine,I am astonished at how you all at KOL have taught me over the past six months how much of an impact one individual alone can have on the world around them, let alone a team of dedicated souls. I thank God for all of you – from the Board of Directors even through the slow pokes like me who have every intention of starting that first cap (the yarn is all there ready to go!) — you have blessed some of the neediest people in the world at some of the darkest times in their lives. You spread sunshine and love wheverever you go.I cannot thank God enough for what you all do.Fi


Dear Christine,I was inspired to get involved with Knots of Love after watching the All Star Game in 2009 when President Obama spotlighted volunteerism. The KOL spotlight is what inspired me. I shared this idea with a friend at work who agreed that she also wanted to be involved. After shipping our caps, we were so very impressed with the feedback and praise that we received from your organization! We have been surprising each other with something new we have received from KOL via email, snail-mail and telephone! We really didn’t expect anything in return. Thank you for appreciating our gifts!! We look forward to knitting/crocheting more this year for KOL!Happy New Year!Most Sincerely,
Tawny Beckmann and Janice Soares
Rhode Island


Hi Christine!I got the caps today! They are beautiful! I gave them to Carla today and we held each other and cried. She was so happy to be able to give her sister a gift that is so beautiful. My best Christmas present was today!Thank you again!


Update from Robin: Jill has unfortunately been very, very sick, but one of the things that keeps her going strong is the love for her caps. She wears a different one each day and is so thankful for gifts you have shared with her.12/09


Your caps warmed my heart to the core.Sher


Christine,I just wanted to express my heart felt thanks to the Knots of Love organization for the chemo cap that I got at Cedars Sinai Outpatient Cancer Center!I am just beginning treatment for Multiple Myeloma, will be getting a stem cell transplant in a month and was asking my nurse where I could get a beanie for when I lost my hair and she brought me a great chemo cap from your organization.Thanks again, your efforts are appreciated.Mahalo and Aloha,


Seeing new caps in the basket is a little slice of heaven when the patients check in for their treatment. I’ve helped one of my favorite male patients pick out one that’s “the most masculine.” I’ve helped women find the perfect ones in their favorite colors.You are truly an angel. I thank you . . . on behalf of all of the patients I see who wear your darling caps. You have no idea how much of a difference you make in their lives. May God bless you in everything you do.Amy, RN


Here at CMCC, we see so many women with advanced cancers and they typically are enduring harsh chemotherapies throughout the remainder of their lives. These caps are a reminder that someone is thinking of them, and sending them the symbolic love and warmth that they represent.Linda


Thanks for allowing us to be a part of KOL and the opportunity to perhaps bring a smile to someone’s face who is going through the fight of their life. Thank you!Carol Knots-of-Love Member


Every week I peak at your wonderful precious very talented creative hats they make chemo and all it involves easier. Thank you. Thank you for sharing this with us during this time.Victoria


I clipped out the article and soon broke out my old crochet hooks . . . it’s been years since I’ve made anything. It’s taken a few caps to get the hang of things again (I’ve also made a few that would fit a bowling ball), and find I truly enjoy making these caps. A few years ago my sister-in-law passed away from lung cancer and I’m sure she would have been deeply touched by such a kind and warm gesture of a home-made chemo cap.Thank you for the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. Have a wonderful Easter! God bless you richly!Carol


Dear Fellow Knotters and Knitters,Soon, Christine will be sending caps to the Gabrail Cancer Center in Canton, Ohio where two of my nephews received treatment this past year or so. In speaking with my brother in Ohio today I asked for the name of the treatment center where his son Frank and son-in-law Ray received treatment for their cancers. I later told him caps would soon be sent to that center in memory of the two young men. My brother was overcome with emotion and asked why we would do that when we don’t know anyone receiving treatment there now. I simply said, “Because we care and because we can.” He is so appreciative and deeply touched by our actions. So, on behalf of my family I wish to thank each and everyone of you for your time, your talent, your yarn, and most importantly your caring and love that went into each cap. My nephews did not survive their cancers but there are so many more patients whose lives can be made a little more comfortable with our caps. Thank you, thank you, thank you.Joy Boda


I was writing to thank-you SO MUCH for the ADORABLE hats you sent us from your organization!!! I can’t tell you how many people have stopped and looked at them and made positive comments about them!!! We just LOVE them here!!! We just wanted you to know how much we appreciated your donation!!Thanks again!!!!
Meghan Chandler, RN
Chemo Infusion Suite
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics


I am so blessed to be able to witness the smiles when a patient receives one of your hats. So important to know just how well received your gift of kindness is to them.Teryl MacDougall
Glendale Adventisti Medical Center


Hi Christine,I am writing on behalf of my mother. My mom recently retired in 2007 where she was an operating room nurse for 42 years. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2008 when she went in for a mammogram. She had her mastecomy done in November, and started her chemo treatments at Nevada Cancer Center in Las Vegas. She has STAGE 2B, and just finished her second treatment. She has two more treatments!! When we went in today to get her shot, her chemo nurse said a box had arrived from Knots of Love with some hats. The pictures that are attached, shows the one she LOVED!! In Chinese having a lady bug means LUCK!! So she ended up taking that one, and LOVES IT!!I just wanted to thank you and your team who create these hats!! They are FABULOUS!! On behalf of my mom and I, please extend our thank you!Nicole


Dear Christine:Being diagnosed with ovarian cancer four months ago was one of the toughest things I have ever gone through. But when you get a bag of the cutest, warmest, made-with-love hats passed around the chemo room, what a joy. What touches me most is that people who will never even know me cared enough to take the time to make something that makes me feel better ’cause my head is warm and i look cute. I need to look cute right now; it’s good for my heart. What you do is even better for my heart. Thank you again from the top of my cute, warm head to the bottom of my heart. God’s blessings to you all.Debbi Bowes


Thank you for your continued support of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Our staff and patients are thrilled with every shipment of hats from Knots of Love!Mindy


Dear Knots of love,I am currently a patient at the Mayo clinic in Phoenix, AZ. I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma and I have been undergoing treatment for four months. I have been coming to the outpatient section for three months now and the room is always cold and the blankets here don’t seem to do the trick. There was no way to stay warm . . . well that was until today. A box of hats arrived at the Mayo OPIV and because of your kindness and caring I now have something to wear that will keep me from feeling cold for the several hours that I am getting treatment here. There is however, one benefit of it being so cold in here . . . when I leave treatment the 105 degree temperatures outside become a welcome. On behalf of myself and all the other patients as well as the Mayo Clinic OPIV ward I want to send a heartfelt thanks for your gift as well as your time. Thanks again!Nathan Day


You have no idea how useful I feel making these caps. A lot of love goes into each cap with well wishes for each wearer.M. Chase


Premiere Oncology and the Premiere Oncology Foundation are proud to have benefited again and again from the kindness and generosity of the Knots-of-Love team. It’s a true labor of love. As executive director of the Premiere Oncology Foundation, I am often asked “what can I do” to help cancer patients and my usual response is that there are endless opportunities to give back, including knitting much-needed caps for Knots-of-Love to donating dollars for Phase I research and psychosocial programs for cancer survivors. The hundreds and hundreds of caps we receive from Knots-of-Love are so greatly appreciated by cancer patients. Each time I have the honor and privilege of handing a patient a beautiful new, colorful cap, I can see a smile and I am always greeted with a warm embrace. A gift of kindness as simple as a handmade cap is a reminder to all cancer patients that there are countless volunteers who genuinely care. Christine is an angel who founded Knots-of-Love motivated to do her part for cancer patients. Each time my cap basket starts to run low, a quick e-mail to Christine is always responded to immediately with a “yes, they are on their way.” If you know of anyone who loves to knit, be sure to spread the word. We have many patients, caregivers, friends, family and healthcare professionals who are now knitting and donating yarn to this incredibly worthy cause.Robbie Gluckson


Dear Knitters and Knotters,On behalf of the patients we serve through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a million thanks for the incredible caps! We’ve distributed them through staff at a county hospital, through an infusion center at a major medical center and through a social work department in a community hospital in an outlying area of our chapter. And a special cap for a young gentleman with a “cold” head! Each cap is unique and amazing and thank you for sharing your time, effort, creativity and yarn with our blood cancer patients!With much appreciation,Gail Sperling, MPH


On behalf of the patients at Cedars Sinai Outpatient Cancer Center, I want to extend our sincere appreciation for your very thoughtful donations of hats. We gave them to our patients who were receiving chemotherapy, and they loved them! You can’t imagine the joy a gift like this brings to the patients.Today in the midst of our busy schedules, most of us fail to take the time to think how we can help others. Your simple act of kindness exemplifies how one company — or even one person — can make such a difference to so many. Very truly yours,Diane Gabay, RN, MN


I love the hat I got to choose while at chemo at Dr. Nanci’s office. And I also love the concept of your organization. Wish I knew how to knit.Heart felt thanks,


What a nice surprise to receive one of your “Knots of Love” caps at my recent chemo treatment. I am starting to lose my hair for the fourth time! I am grateful to be a 5-year survivor of ovarian cancer, still in treatment. Attitude, faith and family and a remarkable doctor at GOA makes it all possible.With many thanks,


You made so many people smile with your knots-of-love hats. The patients were so grateful and had big smiles. I saw this lady with a yucky hat coming into the hospital, I offered her a few hats. She said she had cancer and has no hair and needed them for warmth. So many great stories and heart felt gratitude by many.Love and God Bless,


Thank you for all you do. What a great gift of love.Rose


Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts to our cancer patients. They truly appreciate them.B Kane, MD


Just a quick note to let you now that the caps you sent are beautiful! They are a big hit in the UC Irvine Medical Center Infusion center. Thank you so much for thinking of us!Mindy Iselberg


Your gifts are so comforting to our patients. Your efforts are precious gifts that will bring warmth to all who wear them.Thank you,
Jim Honey


Some people have a special gift for making sure that everyone is taken care of. They always remember the little things that make others feel loved. What a wonderful organization you have put together. It is quite uncomfortable to be bald -– you are either too hot or too cold. Having to deal with wigs, scarves and hats is an undertaking all on its own. Much love to you.2/08


Thank you and may God bless your hard work.1/08


From all of us at the Cancer Resource Center, our sincere thanks to you and everyone else at Knots of Love. The hats have been a wonderful treat for our patients and are just beautiful. Thank you for your support and generosity.Warm regards,


Just a note to say thank you and how much I appreciate the lovely knitted cap I found rummaging through the bag in the chemo room #509. What a treat. It made my day!!12/07


I appreciate your effort to bring pleasure into the lives of our patients at the Hoag Day Center.Geit Ballard